Increases to workers’ compensation disability rates welcomed


Every injured worker knows the sting of lost income. Trying to make ends meet is often hard enough before an accident causes a person to have to rely on disability benefits through the workers’ compensations system. This makes it important that the rates those benefits are based on reflect the realities that individuals and families are facing.

Recently, the maximum available benefits for temporary total disability (TTD) and permanent total disability (PTD) were increased to $1,172.57 per week. This increase is due to the fact that the California state average weekly wage (SAWW) last year increased by 3.6 percent to $1,206.92. California state law requires that TTD and PTD rates increase as the SAWW increases.

Benefit increases help injured workers maintain financial stability

These benefit increases, which also raise the minimum weekly benefits as well, will help injured workers and their families stay closer to the levels of income they have lost due to being unable to work.

The loss of income and having to rely on workers’ compensation benefits can put enormous financial strain on individuals and families. What may have been previously affordable, may become impossible to afford – this is especially the case is disability benefit rates are out of synch with current income levels in the state.

The landscape of workers’ compensation law is always evolving. If you have questions or feel your needs are not sufficiently being met, an compensation lawyer may be able to help you get the benefits you need.

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