Common workers compensation claims and causes


Workplace injuries are exactly that; common. Strains and sprains top the list at 30% of filed workers compensation claims. The most injuries occur between June and August. This isn’t a revelation as those months produce consistent work-inducing weather from coast to coast.

The Travelers Companies conducted research that identified the most common injury styles and causes that led to workers comp claims. Other than strains and sprains, the top five injuries included cuts and punctures (19%), contusions (12%), inflammation (5%) and fractures (5%.)

The only businesses that strains and sprains weren’t the leading cause of filed claims were small businesses. For them, cuts and bruises led the way. In the construction and manufacturing fields, eye injuries were also routine.

Fatal injuries, though much more uncommon, occur as well – which is why safety is vitally important, but accidents do occur. In 2017, the top occupations that netted the most fatal injuries were commercial drivers or sales/driving workers and farmers/ranchers or other agricultural positions.

The causes

Just like the injuries that follow, the causes the lead to them are comprehensive. The most common cause is the mishandling of materials claiming 32% of total claims filed.

The rest include:

  • Slips/trips/falls (16%)
  • Getting hit by or running into an object (10%)
  • Misuse or accidents using tools (7%)
  • Bodily trauma due to overexertion over time (4%)

The mishandling of materials was most common among manufacture and retail employees. Slips, trips and falls most often occurred in the construction and retail industries. From the newest employee to the most tenured workers, make improving their safety knowledge and desire a top priority to reduce work injuries and aid your businesses’ reputation.

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