California man suffers fatal workplace injuries during demolition


Regardless of the amount of experience a particular employee has, it may not be enough to keep him or her safe from an on-the-job accident. Many of the tasks completed by employees of California companies come with significant risks. When something goes wrong, fatal workplace injuries can occur.

Recently, a California man was disassembling a conveyor when things went horribly wrong. The man and another worker were using a cutting torch to dismantle a heavy metal casing at the top of a silo. The conveyor system then collapsed.

The victim suffered serious chest injuries. He was airlifted from the scene, but his injuries were just too great. He died at the hospital.

The company is working with the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health to determine whether a lack of workplace safety contributed to the man’s death. One major concern is whether the deceased worker had the proper training to be dismantling the conveyor system in the first place. The other concern is whether his employer took the time to make sure that the area was safe before sending him and his co-worker in to do the work.

The results of that investigation could mean the company will face Cal-OSHA violations and fines. Even if it does, it will not bring this man back to his family. His loss will likely create a hole in his family that may never be filled. It may also create financial difficulties for surviving family members. Like other families who have lost a loved one to fatal workplace injuries, this man’s family may pursue death benefits that could help them with the financial losses associated with his death.

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