Electrical hazards cited for many workplace injuries


Electricity poses risks to workers in all California industries, from office workers to construction workers. May is National Electricity Safety month, and it will be interesting to see whether the awareness campaign has reduced the number of electricity-related workplace injuries. It is not only electricians who are at risk because all work environments have potential electrical hazards.

Electricians, engineers, power line workers, and those professionals who work on circuit assemblies and cable harnesses are exposed to direct electrical risks every day. However, workers who are exposed to indirect electrical dangers may be more vulnerable. Office workers and others who do not work, repair or maintain electrical units might not even realize that they are at risk of electrocution, electric shocks, explosions and fires.

The Electrical Safety Foundation International reports that more than 50% of electricity-related fatalities occur in the construction industry. Circumstances that could cause electrical injuries include a worker touching live power lines, improper use of flexible or extension cords, and the lack of grounding. Workers without the necessary certification should never attempt to do any repairs to damaged electrical cords or equipment.

Workers in California who suffer electricity-related workplace injuries could file worker’ compensation claims to recover medical expenses and lost wages. An experienced workers’ compensation attorney can assess the circumstances that led to the injuries to determine whether there are grounds for a third-party personal injury lawsuit. This option comes in play if there was negligence on the part of a third party, such as a component manufacturer or an individual who is not linked to the same employer.

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