Do I Need A Workers’ Comp Lawyer?

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Why A Workers’ Comp Lawyer Makes Sense

Sometimes, a worker who is injured on the job follows the proper procedure of reporting the incident, files for workers’ compensation benefits and the process proceeds without complications. In these cases, it is unnecessary to hire a lawyer.

Other times, however, injured workers encounter problems that prevent them from receiving benefits they are due or they receive less than they deserve. In some cases, benefits are canceled before the injured party is able to return to work.

When disputes arise with a workers’ compensation claim, it is wise to enlist the help of a knowledgeable workers’ compensation attorney as soon as possible. Without a lawyer by your side, mistakes can be made involving medical treatment or in the presentation of medical information that can throw your claim into more disarray.

At the Law Offices of Anthony Choe, we help injured workers in Los Angeles and throughout Southern California resolve disputes involving workers’ comp claims and recover the benefits they deserve.

When An Attorney May Be Necessary

Every case is different, of course, but there are some common characteristics of workers’ comp cases that may indicate hiring a lawyer is a good idea. These include:

  • Your injuries will prevent you from returning to work for several weeks or months.
  • Your injuries will require surgery or prolonged medical treatment.
  • Your claim for reimbursement of medical expenses has been denied.
  • You are not receiving the full amount of benefits you deserve.
  • You are unable to receive the medical treatment you need to recover fully and return to work.
  • Your employer’s insurance provider has stopped your benefits and requested you return to work before you are able to perform your job duties.
  • You are experiencing retaliation at work because you filed for workers’ compensation benefits.

Successfully appealing a denied claim requires thorough knowledge of California workers’ compensation laws and why insurance companies deny claims. We work with these claims all day, every day, and understand how to combat the strategies employed by insurance defense lawyers.

Prompt Action Is Important

We welcome the opportunity to review the fact of your workers’ compensation dispute and recommend the best steps to resolve the matter. Call 213-788-4448 or use our online contact form to schedule a free consultation. We only collect if you do.


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